Airport security staff for checked baggage screening

Do you need security staff for screening checked baggage at checkpoints? Airport Aviation Security is on hand to provide you with qualified staff to rapidly and efficiently carry out checked baggage screening in your airport.

What exactly is checked baggage screening? 

Once baggage has been checked in, this checked baggage goes through what we call checked baggage screening. This means baggage is checked to detect the possible presence of explosives which may be triggered whilst airborne, and prohibited items.

How can we help you carry out checked baggage screening? 

We provide you with qualified security officers, who are all T10-certified, able to carry out checked baggage screening:

  • Fully in line with regulations in effectPursuant to the provisions of the French Decree of 11 September 2013 on civil aviation security measures and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1998
  • In the most effective way so as not to disrupt the flow of passengersOur staff has attended all the training courses organized by an approved centre for carrying out checked baggage screening.

Our officers are skilled in the use of all the equipment made available to them to carry out screening and to avoid systematically opening checked baggage.

Equipment from radioscopic detection (for screening baggage with X-rays) to EDS ("Explosive Detection System", for detecting explosives) hold no secrets for them.

And, in the event of doubt as to the presence of prohibited or explosive items, staff know the methodology required to carry out an in-depth search of baggage.

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Why choose us for your screening missions? 

  • Highly-efficient, multi-skilled security officers All our officers are T10-certified, i.e. they have validated all the modules which exist for airport security. They can therefore be assigned to any security mission which requires an officer: Passenger and carry-on baggage screening, checked baggage screening, cargo screening, in-flight supplies screening, vehicle checks as well as airport access control and surveillance and patrolling operations.
  • Readily-available security officers We never disappoint customers who need our services. We always provide qualified staff on time, every time. By working with us, you can rest assured that you will always have security officers available, without delay.
  • A canine team for extra security If a canine team is to be made available for extra security to check baggage and/or passengers, we do our utmost to provide you with one as soon as you need it.